LIFE Blue Lakes Capacity Building Workshop
When? On the 1 July 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 h CET
Where? Online via Zoom
The current state of science on the topic of microplastics in water bodies requires further research. This is why seven partner organisations, led by the Italian NGO Legambiente, have launched the EU-Life project “Blue Lakes” on this complex issue.
Please note that the event will be recorded to be made available later as a video.
Registration is required HERE. Registration closes 24 hours before the event begins.
The LIFE Blue Lakes project contributes to the reduction of microplastics in lakes in Europe. The increasing contamination with microplastics has long-lasting negative effects on lake ecosystems and their unique biodiversity. The measures are implemented exemplarily at Italian and German lakes. Results and experiences will be made available to organisations at other lakes in Europe that are engaged in lake protection.
The measures are aimed at local authorities, businesses, industries and the communities in the lake regions. They include the development of solutions and the introduction of best technological practice in wastewater treatment, the information and sensitisation of citizens about the problem and what everyone can do to prevent or reduce microplastic pollution. Moreover, the project contributes to achieving the objectives of the European strategy for plastics as foreseen in the transition process towards a circular economy.
The event is part of a three-part online seminar series in the framework of the EU-Life project “Blue Lakes” – Microplastics in Lakes. The first online workshop focuses on a general introduction to the problem of microplastics and the Life Blue Lakes project.
Programm – LIFE Blue Lakes Capacity Building Workshop
Moderation and Welcoming: Udo Gattenlöhner, Global Nature Fund
Plastic waste and plastic litter – A general problem
Nina van Zinnicq Bergmann, International Waste Platform
No Microplastics – Just Waves. The mission of the LIFE Blue Lakes Project
Bettina Schmidt, Global Nature Fund
The Lake Paper – Solution approaches for Communities in Italy and Germany
N.N., Legambiente
Interactive Session 1 – Breakout Rooms
14:50 BREAK
Why do we need a Standard Monitoring Protocol for microplastic pollution in lakes?
N.N. Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) and N.N. Environmental Protection Agency of Umbria (ARPA UMBRIA)
How can we improve the efficiency of waste water treatment plants to filter microplastic particles?
N.N., Polytechnical University Marche
Participatory process to involve companies of the outdoor, tyre and cosmectic industry
Dimitri Vedel, Lake Constance Foundation
Improving the existing legal framework at European level through the development of a Lake White Paper
Leonardo Gatta, Central Apennines River Basin District Authority (ABDAC)
Interactive Session 2 – Breakout Rooms
Closing session. Conclusion and outlook
16:00 End of event