LIFE Blue Lakes project aims at reducing the presence of microplastics in Italian and German lakes, through governance, training, information and awareness raising activities.
Project’s partners are in charge of actions addressed to local authorities, trades, industries and lakes’ communities. Main aim of the project is develop solutions and promote participatory processes aimed at adopting good practices, in line with the European strategy for plastics as foreseen in the transition process towards a circular economy.
The project is carried out with the contribution of the European Commission and co-financed by PlasticsEurope, the Association of Plastics Manufacturers.
Coordinating Beneficiary

Legambiente is the most widespread environmental organization in Italy. Legambiente carries out large awareness and information campaigns on environmental issues. It’s an important player in environmental crimes contrast, promoting solidarity and peace. The organization acts at local, national and European level to promote sustainable development, green economy and adaptation to climate change.
Associated Beneficiaries
Arpa Umbria is in charge of pollution control, air, water and soil quality, waste management, radiation, noise and major industrial risks evaluation and control. Thanks to its information systems and databases, Arpa reports environmental data and supports evaluation activities such as VIA, VAS, IPPC, environmental education and communication.
The Basin Authority is a non-economic public board locally in charge for water and soil protection, hydrogeological restoration, prevention of hydrogeological instability by the adoption of the District Basin Plan. The Central Apennine District includes 7 regions, where the active participation of all stakeholders is promoted in the decision-making processes in order to draft the District Basin Plan, as required by European Directives.
Enea is a public institution addressed to research, technological innovation and advanced services supplying in energy, environment and sustainable development fields. Core mission of Enea is economical, environmental and social sustainability by promoting research of new solutions to respond to Country’s most complex challenges. To reach national targets in energy and environmental sectors Enea has a strong bound with National Institutions, Regions and National production system.
Global Nature Fund is an international non-profit foundation for environmental and nature protection. Based in Germany, the organization carries out projects on sustainable development, environmental protection and circular and sustainable economy. In 1998 GNF has started “Living Lakes”, the international network engaged in lakes and wet zones global protection.
The International Lake Constance Foundation, based in Germany, was founded in 1994 by six environmental and nature conservation organizations around Lake Constance. The foundation is a founding member of the International Living Lakes network. LCF works on issues regarding to agriculture and climate, economy and biodiversity, energy transition, nature and protection of lakes.
The Polytechnic University of Marche, founded in 1971, thanks faculties as Engineering, Medicine and Surgery, Economics, Life Sciences, has a high performance in terms of research and development projects at national, European and international level. The board nowadays coordinates and manages over 20 Horizon2020 projects for engineering, agriculture and life sciences fields. Water and wastewater management are the main competence areas of the Department of Sciences and Materials Engineering, Environment and Urban Planning (SIMAU). The interdepartmental cluster for water science and engineering includes experts in advanced wastewater treatment, valorisation and reuse, circular economy in water cycle, ecotoxicology, characterization and minimization of emerging compounds, hydrology, hydrogeology, hydraulics and water nexus -energy-carbon-food.

PlasticsEurope is the Pan-European trade association representing plastics manufacturers.
Plastic waste in the environment is unacceptable and – together with its members and value chain partners – PlasticsEurope is committed to tackle this issue at source through a number of projects.
For more details on our actions to stop marine litter, go to
LIFE BLUE LAKES is supported by PlasticsEurope.